Thursday, July 3, 2014

Baby's Best Friend

Having a dog in the house improves infant health

A recent study conducted by Dr. Eija Bergroth found having pets in the house during a baby’s 
first year of life can help bolster the infant’s immune system and decrease the number of 
respiratory infections and colds experienced. The study, conducted in Finland, followed 397 
babies through their first year of life. For 44 weeks, the new moms recorded how often their 
babies had fevers, ear infections, rhinitis, coughs, wheezing, and if they needed antibiotics.The 
reports of those with a cat or dog in the house were then compared to the reports of 
thosewithout. Analysis found babies from households with dogs were healthy for 72 –76
percent of the first year, whereas babies who had no contact with dogs were healthy for only 65
 percent of the year; having a dog made the infant’s up to 11 percent healthier. Improved health
 was also experienced by babies who kept company with cats, but with a lesser margin of
The results are considered statistically significant. Bergroth and her colleagues speculate that 
having dogs and cats around exposes newborns to more pathogens and helps them build a 
more mature immune system. This study is one of the first to find cats and dogs have protective
 factors in infant health.—LE
- See more at:


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